This series examines invisible forces that impact our lives. Specifically, the ways in which the microbiome operates in both life and death. As we have seen in 2020, something as tiny as a virus can change life as we know it. Outbreak is about the frustration of containment. Containment of both the virus SARS-COV-2 as well as a planet in lockdown. What extents must we go to in order to contain something that’s imperceptible?
The unseen world has major significance in our lives, and we can better understand the interconnectedness of life systems by observing microorganisms. But people do not often think about how the microbiome can be a matter of life and death. We live in a society that avoids the reality of impermanence because it makes us uncomfortable. By observing the interconnectedness of microorganisms with the larger world, we contend with the reality of impermanence, deepening our appreciation for life. Perhaps this can prompt us to take better care of ourselves and our world.